FS Berardi
FS Berardi traveled all over the world and lived in places like Germany and Africa. Here I am with Blanche as I was Leaving Germany to return to the USA.
Who Do You Think You Are?
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I created this site specifically for family members and if you are related to the people found on this site, you should register to avoid all the BOT BLOCKERS and annoying messages. If you are seeking information about a specific family or person, use the "Contact US" link to let me know who you are seeking.
The tree documents my family's connection to the Mayflower pilgrim JOHN HOWLAND. To make it easier to follow the ancestors and descendants in our line, I have used CAPITAL LETTERS. Follow the individuals in ALL CAPS...these are my direct blood relatives.
As you begin your visit of these pages, you may notice that some of the information relates to LIVING people...and there is a reason for that! I spent more than 20 years looking for my paternal Grandmother (while she searched for me) and it was only after she passed away in 2001, that I was able to find her name listed in a court document and find my lost family.
The surviving relatives told me how sad she was that she could never locate my brother and me. This is only one example of how our "right" to privacy impedes our ability to share history and find our misplaced loved ones, often, until it is too late. Throughout history, there has been a conflict between the information gathers and seekers; and the information providers, especially if the information is about them.
I believe that we should help other people find their roots, but at the same time, have a personal responsibility to respect their privacy. I don't list addresses or cities or anything that may point to a location of a living individual. However, if you are afraid your children will discover their true lineage or bloodline here, then I suggest that you shouldn't have procreated with that person.
The title of this section (Who do you think you are), is a reference to NBC/Ancestry.com's program about finding your historical roots. My Information Technology (IT) background has taught me that "Information only becomes knowledge when it is SHARED" !!! This site is my method of sharing what I have learned about my family.
It is my belief that it is the right of future generations to know where they came from! As the collector of the knowledge displayed here, I have attempted human discretion in determining what information is displayed, utilizing as traditional a set of values as I could access. If any details on your family are missing or incorrect, or if you desire it removed from this document, please email me.
We are ALWAYS on the hunt for old family images. If you find a family member here without an image, we would LOVE to add one!!!
Fred Berardi
PA Jepson
PA Jepson was born in California, but traveled to North Carolina to find Grandpa Fred. This picture has an example of the rainbows that always follow us. Ask her.